Celebrating nature, with budding warmth and a raw appeal, the wood is an element that brings about a vibe that greets stark freshness with a collaborated harmony of chic rustic. Banking a rich and storied history the world of construction has its plaques filled with the versatility and structure wooden lumbers offers. With a plethora of unparalleled attributes, lumber anchors the space with aesthetic and pragmatic sentiments that resonates tones brimming with lush and tender warmth. A web that spans from single and multi-storied lodgings to looming structures rising high, firm with integrity the lumbers provide. The diversity delivered is off the charts as the architects fawn over the possibilities of creative exploration the material provides.

The uses of lumber has flourished tremendously with its roots outstretched in the fields of architecture as well as furnishings skimming a myriad of others along the way. Harnessed with an economic feasibility owing to its easy accessibility wood is catalogued under the most sought after materials for fashioning and constructing establishments. Saddled with a multitude of characters that ranges from an unexcelled tensile strength to electrical and heat resistance the wood is in addition garlanded with a beauty that amplifies any structure a vibrating amiability. Above all, the feature that makes lumber a true showstopper is its renewability, a trait that is witnessed neither in concrete nor metals. Alongside all these hallmarks, the adaptability, health benefits and ease of manufacturing and maintaining it is what makes lumber the ruling chief in the architectural realm.
The employment of wood, in concocting up structures ranging from residencies to high rises, having dimensions of five inches is tabulated as lumber. Archived under softwoods (ranging from pine to fir to spruce, redwood and cedar) and hardwoods (namely ash, maple, oak, mahogany and many others), the lumber has a lot to offer in a multitude of sectors, with the hardwoods ruling the construction arm fanning from walls to ceilings to floors and the softwood spreading its wings to provide the integrity in framework and fabrication of furniture.

Living with wood from the dawn of times to the now has witnessed mountain of unearthing and realization. From small handy tools and unelaborated modest hut dwellings in the Neolithic age to the complex designs of the tall sky scrapers and modern architecture of the contemporary, the history of lumber has voyaged eons. The present day structures boasting durable and environment friendly designs are very much the testimonial attestation to the age old fact. The countries all around armed with the knowledge of the benefits wood provide have worked and toiled to tailor and fabricate the very best with each banking a distinct variation expressing their home sentiments with the employment of wood in styling and embodying their culture.
The architecture that in the pre dawn era revolved around the grounds of utility and strength, now resonates with tones of beauty and versatility in addition to the aforementioned. From traditional Chinese temples and trailblazing American balloon framing to Japanese pagodas and ancient Greek structures, the implementation of wood to culture artistic masterpieces have been a staple all around the world.

- Lumber in United States: the history of the United States whispers tunes that are a synchrony of years of Spanish and British colonial rule and centuries of independence. The years witnessing these internal and external elements are characterized by a rich and novel creativity that displays the traditions and cultures of the nation. The years preceding the colonial governance boasted structures of stone reflecting the Polynesian heritage. The years following this saw the break of wooden themed dwellings with the settlement of the Europeans in the native soil. The employment of lumber in erecting up motifs, a trademark of the English waved into the American architectural culture. With an emergence of new accommodation owing to the colonial settlements, the assistance of wood aided in an accelerated construction whereby the ease in availability promoted the rising stardom of wood centered structures. The escalation majored to the extent that prominent premises and establishes all around the state bore the hallmark of the latest ingenious and trailblazing techniques the architects sought after, pivoted around wood .
- Why lumber is the preferred choice for the American dwellings: The use of lumber hinged around the trusted deductions on the attributes wood volunteers spanning from mobility it renders to thermal insulation it proffers against cold to its ability to withstand low intensity natural disasters. The ease to build stacked atop a low cost and structural robustness contributes to it to be the preferred choice for the architects and artisans. Materials scilicet the brick and metal have a paucity and meagerness of these traits and the inadequacy of these thus cements the foundation for the use of wood in their construction.

- Lumber in Canada: Canada with its staple wood industry is something to marvel over. The production of lumber strips from the finest softwood of the coniferous trees and the hardwood of the deciduous are engineered from the standardized procedures to chiefly invest into the fabrication of houses. The lumber cataloged under varieties are graded as dimension lumber, factory lumber and shop lumber employed respectively in house building, paneling and flooring. Wood construction has deeply seeped history in the Canadian tradition which fans back to centuries. Though the assistance of wood was limited to the roofs and floors, the introduction of dimensional lumber granted the use to be stretched on to structural purposes. The architects fawn over all the goods lumber has to over with its high sustainability range and ecofriendly nature all along bestowing an intangible aura of warmth and glamour.

- Lumber in Mexico: Although the nation of Mexico does not have a deep seated history with pure lumber architectures, the growing demand for houses in the neoteric years has paved way for the light wood frame construction. The brisk assembling and the high grade of prefabrication has fostered the growth of the lumber works to such an extent that the system now ranks amongst the top most. A myriad of states scilicet the Baja California, Durango, Chihuahua and many others with the half done truncated houses and dwellings were cemented with wooden elements on the roof and floors. The technical standards and basis governs the system that fabricates the elements in the workshop, later to assemble at the construction site with technical and standard measures. A wonder in itself the application of lumber has escalated extensively with its benefits seeping in to provide structural integrity and splendid beauteousness. The Mexicans have used it to seek the indigeneity and rebirth of the vernacular architecture by providing roofs for Mayan huts
- Viga architecture: The viga architecture engaging the application of wooden beams in the traditional adobe stylings bestows ornamental definition with a certified natural rawness alongside garlanding the architecture with a high end characteristic aesthetic that defines the pueblo architecture and the Spanish colonial architecture.

The traditions and culture of the employing lumber in the construction industry has roots deeply seated in the Europe. The lumber centered architectural design in the different grids of the European map has represented the deep sewn cultures of the regional soil.
- Lumber in United Kingdom: the deployment of lumber is slated generously in the chronicles of the nation’s history dating back to almost eleven and half millennia old.
The log cabins woven in the traditional architectural styles reflects a spooning warmth and coziness that are scooped by the residents as well as the visiting tourists.

An elemental crux in the United Kingdom, lumber tailored houses appoints back to the ancient times slowly venturing into the medieval era blooming with the extensive practice of building wooden houses. The plain sailing, effortless and economical build, structured way for the people to invest into properties without any hackle. From the impoverished to the affluent, the trend of lumber accented dwellings slithered its way in every crevice.

The simple huts to extravagant motifs, lumber opened doors to all with an unparalleled versatility.
With change in time the complex modern touch to these conventional styled structures have focused thoroughly on bestowing the residents with every provision viable with a robustness in addition to the luxurious glamour lumber offers. Even though the sailing years witnessed an erosion in the depth of wooden architectures as it got replaced by materials the modern day technology paved way for, the integrity and magnificence of wooden structures remains unparalleled.

Developed in the most diverse and ingenious techniques, the wood graded amongst the materials most sought after by the human kind is a classic that though have evolved with generations passing by has still withheld the beauty and rawness unrivalled. The quest for sustainability and ecofriendly material has finally been pleased.